Getting settled in Cebu City, Philippines – A Message from Jim Hobby

We have been here about seven weeks and all is going well. We are moved into our mountain home, bought a small van and made a few videos.

We are in the mountains of Minglanilla and what a great place to live. I have set up my office and made several videos. I post them on Utube and on Sunday morning here (which is 12 hrs earlier in the US)I send out the link, with a Happee Early Sunday, to some of my friends and family. Man you just can’t beat this 21st century technology! I used to go out knock on doors and do everything but pull a gun on people to convince them to come to church. Now you can preach, post and send; and there it is right in their pocket or pocketbook!

Right now the videos are our prime way of reaching folks here as we get aquainted with new friends. Next we hope to get back with our old friends and organize some mass feeding and preaching services; please continue praying for this effort, and also speak this poverty spirit out of every home in this great nation.

The poverty here has always stirred my soul. So many precious, very skilled and talented folks work for slave wages. The young man that works here with us was making only 550 pesos a day. ($9.68 in US dollars)On these wages he supports his wife and five children. Since I am the one that is responsible for his pay it sure is not that low any more and will get better and better if I stay here!

When I began to do a little study on this subject I found that the Philippines are one of the richest countries in the world in minerals. It is third in gold with some fifty-four thousand tons of unmined gold. It is fourth in copper with some 2.9 billion tons, fifth in nickel and sixth in chromite. There is a high grade of chromite that is worth some $295,000 for one kilo.

This wealth under the surface of tens of millions living in poverty only reinforces my conviction that this is a spiritual problem and the only thing that will move it is for some Holy Ghost filled people speaking with hard core Holy Ghost Power to move in God’s promised abundance and push this mountain of poverty into the Pacific Ocean.

We welcome all to join us! Just anytime during your daily living; stop for a moment and scream this devil off the map! Talk to him just like you would talk to a rattle snake that has invaded your home! We must be effectual and fervent if we are to really get some big stuff done and this is big stuff!

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Thursday at 7:15 am, our Alaskan Airlines Flight will lift off from TAMPA. International Airport enroute to Seattle Washington.

This is the first leg of a 3 leg flight to Cebu City, Cebu. We have made this journey at least a dozen times; but “this time is different.”

I am not a young man. I just returned from Cebu Island in April of this year where in Balambon, Cebu we experienced our sixth major crusade with thousands being blessed with Super Gospel music, a bag of rice, preaching of the word and hundreds coming forth to proclaim Jesus as their Lord; and me, celebrating my 88 years here on God’s wonderful earth.

I left there with, and still have this indelible picture of hundreds with hands raised to Heaven and tears of conviction and joy streaming down their cheeks as their new friend Jesus moved in to make his abode in their lonely and empty hearts…never to be empty and lonely again…..and addicting me to this wonderful ministry to these precious people on the other side of my world!!

On Monday July 10: a super battle last night; sick? Very. A spiritual struggle. You’ve got that right. Elijah had a super fight with the devil. After a great victory! Now it comes to the horror of the hell of depression, sickness… why do we have this stuff with which we have to deal with… questions like… just get me out of here life isn’t worth the battle. I’m not strong enough for this stuff.

Paul, looking over his victors in the beach battles. He said, I, Paul take pleasure in persecution, distresses for Christ’s sake for when I am weak then I’m a strong!

We gotta remember that the powers coming after the weakness in limp strength of our own is discovered, and that’s all we have BUT then Jesus comes!!

Hallelujah to the Lamb

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