Thursday at 7:15 am, our Alaskan Airlines Flight will lift off from TAMPA. International Airport enroute to Seattle Washington.

This is the first leg of a 3 leg flight to Cebu City, Cebu. We have made this journey at least a dozen times; but “this time is different.”

I am not a young man. I just returned from Cebu Island in April of this year where in Balambon, Cebu we experienced our sixth major crusade with thousands being blessed with Super Gospel music, a bag of rice, preaching of the word and hundreds coming forth to proclaim Jesus as their Lord; and me, celebrating my 88 years here on God’s wonderful earth.

I left there with, and still have this indelible picture of hundreds with hands raised to Heaven and tears of conviction and joy streaming down their cheeks as their new friend Jesus moved in to make his abode in their lonely and empty hearts…never to be empty and lonely again…..and addicting me to this wonderful ministry to these precious people on the other side of my world!!

On Monday July 10: a super battle last night; sick? Very. A spiritual struggle. You’ve got that right. Elijah had a super fight with the devil. After a great victory! Now it comes to the horror of the hell of depression, sickness… why do we have this stuff with which we have to deal with… questions like… just get me out of here life isn’t worth the battle. I’m not strong enough for this stuff.

Paul, looking over his victors in the beach battles. He said, I, Paul take pleasure in persecution, distresses for Christ’s sake for when I am weak then I’m a strong!

We gotta remember that the powers coming after the weakness in limp strength of our own is discovered, and that’s all we have BUT then Jesus comes!!

Hallelujah to the Lamb